Selling Clothing

 Top Selling African Clothing


I am the owner of Styles 4 Less, LLC where I sell African attire for adults and children. I have been a customer of African Imports for 10 years.  I love the variety of styles and quality of the clothes. I have always loved wearing African clothes myself.  

~ Lucretia in Lakeland, FL



Africa Imports Category Ranking


Repeat Sales



Clothing is the #4 category at Africa Imports. American households spend an average of $1,700 a year on clothes.  Selling African inspired clothing is unique because the market is special and the products are different and hard to find. Clothing sales are something you should consider if you don't sell them already. 

Clothes are the best way for people to share who they are without even saying a word. African clothes give people a chance to reconnect with African culture, celebrate their heritage, and stand out with vibrant colors and exquisite designs. Holidays, special events, and special times such as Black History Month increase demand for African clothing. If you or people you know dress in African or African inspired clothing, this is a great fit for you.

Best Methods for Selling Clothing 

  • Wear the African clothing yourself! People love to find out where you got what you’re wearing.
  • Post pictures of yourself wearing African clothing online on your social media. Let customers know they can get these from you!
  • Hand out or email blank Africa Imports catalogs (catalogs without our company information) and let people order directly from you out of those.
  • Display African clothing prominently in your store window. Offer discounts for first time customers or specials like “buy one dashiki, get one 50% off.”
  • Have a fashion show! Invite your friends to be the models and make a party out of it!
  • Stock up before and during holidays like Easter, Christmas, and events like Black History Month. Clothing always sells quickly during these times!

Top 3 Sellers

Kente Dashiki


Traditional Print Luxury Skirt Set


Sales Methods

  1. Personal Sales
  2. Mall Kiosk or Sales Booth
  3. Events
  4. Salons/Spas
  5. Home Parties
  6. Internet

Product Category

  1. Clothing
  2. Soaps
  3. Health & Beauty
  4. Fragrance Oils
  5. Fabrics
  6. Jewelry
  7. Instruments
  8. Art